Cooper and his handlers, Lou and Diane Bonita, met with Katie Kourakos, Director of Recreation at the NYS Veterans Home at Montrose this week.
They had a wonderful visit. Cooper demonstrated impeccable therapy dog skills! Pat, our therapy dog trainer can be very proud of him! Cooper remained calm and by Diane’s side even when a young intern ran down the hall to greet Cooper, screaming in excitement, waving her arms and then getting down on the floor with him. Then another visitor walked in with two labs that barked and growled at Cooper. Again Cooper remained calm, sitting between Diane’s legs.
Cooper delighted both the staff and residents. They were so happy to see him. He received hugs from all! And, when a very pleasant lady asked Cooper to come near her bed, he gave her a kiss. She asked if Cooper could to stay for a while and come on her bed. Cooper did, giving her another kiss. She really seemed to enjoy his visit. Her response brought tears to Diane’s eyes. She thanked Lou and Diane again and again for their stay. Others did too! Diane said it was heartwarming to feel their love and gratitude towards Cooper!
Lou, Diane and Cooper stopped by residence rooms, hallways and recreation rooms. The staff and residents alike were thrilled to see Cooper. Diane says she thinks they were a hit and she’s looking forward to returning.
Diane said that spending time with our veterans is something she has a great desire to do with Cooper. This visit warmed her heart. It made her feel so good to bring some joy and comfort to our service men and women who have given so much to us. The smiles on their faces, Cooper’s furry hug and wet kisses bringing on a laugh or two, and being able to say “thank you” ….. to hug a veteran….well, that made Diane’s day!
Diane, we’re so happy for you that you have found this opportunity to do something that you truly enjoy. Everyone should have the opportunity to do what they love. “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Marc Anthony
Cooper is such a special dog and glad to read he made such a great impression to the residents at the Montrose home. Kudos to your efforts !