Prime Time for Kids – Cooper Makes a Difference
Cooper makes a difference! Today was Cooper Time at Prime Time for Kids Early Learning Center. Our therapy dog, Cooper, and his owner, Diane Bonita, shared their favorite children’s book, Tuesday Tucks Me In, with special little ones!!! We had to share these precious pictures with you.
Best news of all Cooper got a speechless child to say “Cooper,” “cookie,” and “puppy!!!” Then the child loved Cooper up!!! What a heartwarming miracle!!!
Diane and Cooper worked with a 3 1/2 year old boy that did not speak any words. Both his teachers told Diane that the little boy speaks his own language which is not understandable to others.
Here is how Diane and Cooper helped the little boy say his first understandable words.
First, Diane had the little boy come as close to Cooper as she could get him to come and then she encouraged the little boy to pet Cooper’s head. The little boy petted Cooper.
Next, Diane asked the little boy if he would like to give Cooper a treat but the teachers told her he wouldn’t understand. Diane put the treat in the little boy’s hand and guided his hand towards Cooper’s snout. Cooper gently took the treat. The little boy was so happy!!!
Diane followed up with asking the little boy to say “treat. ” The little boy who had not spoken any words gave Diane the biggest smile and said “treat!”
The teachers and Diane looked at each other with excitement! The little boy kept saying “treat” and Diane kept giving him treats to give to Cooper.
Diane asked the little boy to say “Cooper” and what do you know, the little boy said “Cooper!!”
Diane asked the little boy if he liked the puppy and the little boy started to repeat “puppy.”
Diane and Cooper got this little boy who had not said any words up until now to say at least three words that his teachers and Diane could understand!!!
The little boy did not leave Cooper’s side the entire time Diane and Cooper were in the classroom.
An amazing miracle all due to the love of a furry friend!!!
Kudos Diane and Cooper!! You made a difference!!!